
Harvest From My Trip

The first working day after my trip, there was non-stop running in my head, about the unfinished job, about the people I met there, and about all the things I experienced during my trip. Actually I am not so brave to face every sigle departure, but I think that's what we called " LIFE". When will we meet together next time? Could it be possible to be scheduled as our plans? Well...I bet we all know well the answer. As the age being added year by year, my heart seems more easily to be moved.

Regular visit my auditee once a year, I knew a lot of kind, smart, hospitable friends during my fieldwork. My appreciations are more than words. Without their full supports and precious time, my job would be an impossible mission. Every year I visit them, like to see my long time friends if they got any changed. It's a pity this time I heard of some friends resigned from these companies, so I hadn't the chance to see them again in this trip. Even I don't like the feeling, but this reality I used to say that's fate. If we have fate, we would meet again someday.

The important lesson of relationship reconstruction in these days is still pending. I think I had done my best to express my concern and feelings, but no response and surprise happened till the last minute, no one sigle thing of my imagination ever realized. However, I still feel happy we had broken the silence of communication, and keep the faith on the power of a true heart.
Now I feel a bit confused...Is this the destination? Perhaps no answer is also a kind of answers.
Who said time can tell everything? So far I haven't seen anything about my question. Anyway, as for how the future will go on, I will hand it over to God. Some people might stay longer in my life, some don't. So my simple thinking is just to make every pleasant moments to become my joyful memories in my rest life.

4 則留言:

me as i am 提到...

welcome back from your trip~ what lovely photos! yes, getting back to life can bring different feelings. i hope all is well with you~

and hope you're feeling well about the current state of that relationship. i see relationships like tennis. we are only in charge of hitting what comes our way. if people don't hit back, well, we can't continue our game, right?

on the other hand, some relationships require patience. one of my favorite quotes is,

“Don't be dismayed at goodbyes, a farewell is necessary before you can meet again and meeting again, after moments or lifetimes, is certain for those who are friends.”

this gives me patience to allow things to develop at a natural pace. which isn't always my instinct. sometimes i want to force things, which almost never works! :)

good luck!

June 提到...

Maybe you did not find the answers you longed for, but I feel you find peace in mind. I am sure next time you visit that place, you will feel differently free.

Elaine 提到...

thanks so much katie, for giving me these sweet concerns and sharing. make me feel like home~
i do like what you said 'relationship like tennis'. and i really ask myself to keep patience on this as well.
actually everything was fine. we never mentioned the past unpleasantness and this made us feel easilier to chat as long time friends.
and yes, 'to allow things to develop at a natural pace.' what a beautiful wisdom to learn.
many many hugs to you :)

Elaine 提到...

June, thanks for your coming. actually i don't care what's the answer. i just want to cherish each moment and make joys for us, even we only talked about life, job, and other people's gossip as long time friends. and that's what i am still in learning.