
Attitude Toward Problem-Solving

I think you would agree to me that each one has his own way toward problem-solving. It might depend on his growing background, character, age, experience, etc. I was asked to find some old pictures of my school days last night, and glanced an article I ever wrote for a past relationship with my first love. Here I found a common point that I was attracted by the same kind of men in their character. Both two almost had the same behavior model when facing problems-stalling, keeping silence, then disappearance. I was annoyed at the similar situations and felt powerless.

I also had a brief observation on myself that I always falled in a relationship too deep to pull out. I was always the person who paid more attention and consideration than the other. How come? Perhaps because I am the eldest sister in my family and I used to take care of the others, even in my office now, I also act the same role among my colleagues. Should it be my destiny? I refuse to accept that. In the deepest part of my heart, I still eager to be the person cared and cherished by others. That's the main reason I dedicated myself too much whenever I got some consideration and kindness from others.

I am such a woman easily touched by the other's tenderness, and I think standing too reasonable would kill the romance. In my personal philosophy, I like the straight way to express my thoughts and feelings and hate to be a sly guy. I believe and expect we will get mature with age. Knowing well there is no way to enforce the others to deal with things as the same way as I do, I need learn to step out more cautiously and be the master of my own life. Unavoidablely it might hurt me again, but I would rather keep the real part of me and stay in the truth. In some way, those events indeed had taught me a lots.

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Unknown 提到...

Thanks for sharing