
Bodhisattva Of Adversity

I got a meaningful article from a friend's sharing today. The topic is "Bodhisattva Of Adversity" (逆境菩薩). The story stated a man had changed twelve jobs in ten years. You won't believe the same reason for his leaving was those companies going out of business. When he applied a new job, the head proctor didn't think he would have a chance to compete with the other candidates.

The man said , "I understood very much that 12 companies, I tried hard to save them with my colleagues, although it failed, but I knew each detail of those mistakes and defeats, and learn a lot from those experiences. Not everyone had the chance to learn that. Many people only pursue for success, but I, have the experience to avoid the mistake and the defeat! ......"
“I knew most of successful experience were similar, easy to imitate, but the reason of defeat actually different in each case. With ten-year study on successful experience, was inferior that with the similar time on experiencing mistakes and defeats. Could learn more and more profoundly. I believed that others' successful experience is very difficult to become our wealth, but others' defeat process is actually our precious wealth!”

How would you say that? I extracted some good view points here and my understanding for sharing.
Not only our enemy or the bad circumstance will defeat us. Sometimes the most intimate persons would hurt us deeply indeed. It's easier to forgive the enemy than our family or best friends. Those who gave us pain, failure, sadness and hurt are called "Bodhisattva Of Adversity" in Buddhism. They are the best gifts from God. Those unforgetable experience will help us to grow up and cherish the good things in our life. We may say that it's also a certain kind of inspiration in some way.

Learn to be thankful to them and smile at every test. Toast to the adversity and those who gave us tough issues in our life. Through that, we might feel the sunshine more beautiful than ever, and connect to the better future. It's not easy to do. But I would like to make this as a start.
