
Four Grades of Concession

Just read an article " Concession would make more progress"(讓步, 才會更進步), writen by one of my favorite authors-吳若權. In which I mostly like the section of concession art in four grades.
-1st grade of concession, to treat the other with high respect.(禮遇)
-2nd grade of concession, to support and agree to the other's thinking and doing.(支持)
-3rd grade of concession, to tolerate and forgive the other's mistake and give a new chance to make up.(包容)
-4th grade of concession, to accomplish the other's happiness, to let the relationship go when his/her heart not in it.(成全)

Actually it's not easy to put those above into practice, especially for the one who paid much more in a relationship. Since we couldn't put all our expectation on the other's shoulder and make him/her change mind, we need to find a way to comfort ourselves. I remind of the words from my recent reading that I decide my own way to happiness. So far, I'm still learning to be a smart guy along the road I chose.
