
Be Thankful To Those Hurts 感謝疼痛

昨天, 跟一個許久沒見的朋友碰面,兩人聊起來, 近日所遭遇的感情事件竟有許多雷同的戲劇情節, 一樣令人不解,一樣令人心痛,與其用像謎一樣來形容事件的男主角,還不如說他們不夠坦誠。談話的過程,我彷彿看到幾個月前的自己。這樣的愛情,投入與付出較多的那方, 傷得總是最重。我試著以先前自我療癒所學到的方法向那位朋友引導,由衷期盼她失落和不平的心能找到出口,找到寄託。

Yesterday I met a friend. We didn't meet for months. Just got her latest sad love as I ever experienced. Alomst the same senario happened in these men's action. I won't say they were mysterious. I would rather say they were'nt frank in the relationship. I saw my shadow from her stroy. The one who pay much more get more hurt in such a relationship. I tried to give my advise which I applied in my self-healing. I heartfeltly hope she will find a way to get back her lost and upset heart.

  讓我們遇到那位對的人時懂得珍惜。 』

   Perhaps God want us to meet some wrong persons before right persons, then we will know how to cherish when we meet those right persons.


Well...how to avoid to get hurt again? how to the the right persons?
I have no idea for that actually. The only unchanged thing is it always changes in every second. How could we expect the other never change if we had no common goals for life and both two didn't pay efforts on managing relationship.

 Only an unfeeling person won't suffer from hurt.
 Those memory often came across my mind in midnight,
 painful and bitter, but means I am alive, I can feel the world.
 Now I understand, it's a certain kind of happiness to feel the hurt.
 Be thankful to the hurt which let me know,
 My hands can work, and my heart can be touched.
