
Dancing With Pressure?

It have been one month since we moved in our new office. I walked to office in the morning if I woke up early. Recently I have been busy on preparing our annual budget and project plan for next year, and keep receiving many instructions from my boss.
Actually I am not a glutton of work, but in some friends' view, I might be. Somehow, I indeed think being busy is a good thing. It means I am needed by something or someone, either in my family or company. Plus, I won't have time to make daydreams.

I just read an artice from my friend's email, and I like its philosophy-"There is no boring work. Only our attitude toward works makes it interesting or boring." In my most approaches to face heavy loadings would be acceptance first, then trying to negotiate a new deadline about tasks. But unavoidablely, I might easily become impatient when I am busy or deliberating on something. I think I still need a lot of efforts for improvement.

Outside the window of my office, I can have a great view about the surrounding buildings and the distant mountains. There is always a good chance to refresh my mood in each brand-new morning. Looking the farthest, the mountains, I become so tiny.... like dust in the wind....

2 則留言:

匿名 提到...

i like to be busy too. to keep moving. to keep my mind active. sometimes it takes real effort to endure the silence or stillness. so i try to do that as well so that i'm not just escaping my thoughts.

i think it's good to have both. my mother always enjoyed work. and she would often say, "a job worth doing, is worth doing well." and i think that is true.

it is a virtue to enjoy work. so many people don't enjoy their jobs, i find that a pity~

and i'm glad for you that you have such a beautiful view :) how pleasant~~ i bet that helps you keep a balanced perspective in your day.

Elaine 提到...

@mountainmama, thanks for sharing your thoughts here. i admire what your mother's saying about job. i remembered when i was a child, i ever asked my mother if she felt boring or unhappy to work in every early morning, and she answered me she had no alternative. it ever made me sad and powerless, since i was only a child. so i really feel grateful to have this job.

sometimes i felt lonely and weak inside after a long working. i can relate to you, i aslo need to make more efforts on dealing with my loneliness and unpleasantness.

wishing you great harmony~~