
Deal With Unpleasantness

How would you react if any uncomfortable situation happened between you and your family, your best friends, or partners? Will you adopt a straight way to speak out your feeling? or pretend you didn't care? or persue yourself nothing happened? Either which one, they might embrace the good side and the bad side. It is really hard to get the balance for all.

An unexpected visitor came to my house yesterday. If he just stayed for a while or a couple days, it's all right. But I was told just one hour before his coming and said he might stay for a couple weeks. I felt uncomfortable. I felt my private space was offended. I am not good at hiding my feeling, so I said some serious words to my family last night. After then I kept quiet for a few hours. Why some person often ignored the others' existence?

Today is Sunday. I have done a whole day of housework. The guest is still here. I was trained to be a polite person so I couldn't expel the guest. It seems I couldn't change the thing. I tried to remove my focus from his long stay. I kept myself in my room, listen to some music, and watched a movie to cheer myself. Later I will have a beauty treatment on my face and keep relaxed. I need to drive out the negative emotion quickly. Why should I let others effect my good mood and add wrinkles on my face?

Here is a good quote for all my dear friends.
"To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance"
- Oscar Wilde (1854-1900)

I also paste some happy tips from website by google search. Now I am trying to practice these as my spiritual homeworks.
It's more important to be happy than to be right.
You can either be happy, or unhappy. Choose happy.
Learn to show cheerfulness even when you don't feel it.
Treat everyone as you want to be treated.

2 則留言:

匿名 提到...

goodness, that does sound uncomfortable. i'm very sorry about this situation for you. it is very kind of you to adapt to this situation. and i think it was very brave of you to express your emotion to your family. i hope that either the visitor can find another accommodation quickly. but if not, that his visit does not upset your life.

best wishes to you~

Elaine 提到...

thanks so much mountainmama for the sweet consideration and inspiration, i will find a way to balance my emotion soon.