
Ask the Fortune Teller

Have you ever the experience to ask the fortune-teller something. Especially when you confused or had no idea about decision making. I just did once a few days ago. You wouldn't believe that if you weren't there.

What you have to do is only write down your name or your friend's name, and pick a number for each one. Then you may get a lot of answers or the current situation what you ask. They do have an incredible capability to describe your sit and location in your office just only giving them your office address. It seemed they were also there.

My understanding is no matter what the fotune-teller told or suggested you, all the consequence would be resulted from your inner thoughts, attitudes and the following actions. You may say that let life unfold by itself, but shouldn't forget that you are the real in charge of your life...

2 則留言:

Unknown 提到...


Elaine 提到...

呆子, 我是要練功啦...下一篇, 就來個中英對照版吧