
To He Who Likes Thinking

I would like to share my experience on recently writings.
In the beginning, I wrote down my feelings in a very tough situation while I met certain something wrong. I tried to call out the deepest part of me to stand by me and face my problems together. It's a good way to release my pressure on the "Notes". Let me feel that I was not alone then.

Now through blog editing I found another side of me. It allows me to express my feelings, sharing good stuffs and exchange thoughts with my friends by internet. Sometimes I can seek out discussion forums, others' blogs and got answers to assist me. It's a very precious harvest in my life.

These days I reminded of someone. All my recent changes should owe to his silent attitude during the period which gave me all the inspirations. He always liked thinking so much and slept less. I saw his white hairs growing more and more whenever I met him.

Life is not easy actually, but we can make it in a simple attitude. Maybe writing down what you thought would be helpful to you sometimes. Clear the barriers of your mind everyday. Via that you may review and compare all over each log of your thinking, then you would have a clear picture for what to do next or rearrange the priority of all things. If not, at least it might be helpful to relieve your pressures when you were upset .

Let's Cheers! For all the uncertainties in our life. Anytime, I will stand by your side wherever you are. That's what friends are for...

Here is a good article for sharing with you:

3 則留言:

Unknown 提到...

Life is a gift. The user will determine how it is being used. You are the master of your mind and soul. You are also the director of the destiny.

Elaine 提到...

Thanks James, I read your posts in your blog and always helped me a lot.

Dan 提到...

Your heartfelt thoughts express a deep spirituality. I enjoyed discovering your blog.