
Moving To A Historic City

We just completed one project in Yantai last Friday. Everything went smoothly during that week. Good communication, cooperation, and warm friendship. We visited the place twice a year as our annual audit plan. I won’t come here in a short period. So long to those nice people!

My second stay is Nanjing for the next project. Due to less option in flights from Yantai to Nanjing, we choose the flight from Qingdao to Nanjing last Saturday. The morning before I left Yantai, I woke up earlier for packing my luggage and saw beautiful sunrise outside my window for a short moment, soon the heavy clouds covered the sun. It’s getting cold here. The fall season already came.

It spent about 2 hours from hotel to Qingdao airport and one hour for flying from Yantai to Nanjing. I almost slept all the way but still felt tired. Around 14:00 that afternoon, I arrived at my destination. The hotel is located in the city center, very convenient for shopping, touring and dining. Unfortunately it rained hard, my good mood was somewhat effected. It’s not suitable for outing but I had to supply my stock for the coming week. Though I walked very carefully, I soon got wet throughout in a few steps out of the hotel. I gave up the idea for taking pictures.

I have visited this city over 7 times. It’s a place contained of history I ever learned in my school days. I almost lose my curiousness about exploring it. If you never came to Nanjing and have interests in Chinese history, I would command it’s worthy to visit here.
I had a long dream last night. This morning I forgot where I am before I opened my eyes. It happened sometimes when I moved to another city. A new project will start tomorrow. I pray everything will go smoothly here too.


A Beautiful Stay In Yan Tai

The first stop of my business trip to China is Yan Tai City. We arrived about 15:00 on Aug 23. Our hotel is near the Golden Beach. After a short rest, we walked to the beach for seeing sunset and took a few pictures. Since we would be very busy in the coming week, all of us held on that precious and easy moment. It's great we came to the beautiful city for our first stop.


Ready To Fly Again

I'm going to take a business trip for 3 weeks from tomorrow. Plan to visit 5 cities in China this time. I have been traveling for work over the years, so that gave me many experiences on packing my luggage. In some way, I feel nervous but expectant in each trip. There are uncertainties and challenges in the way. No idea when or where to flame up.

Some morning I woke up and forgot where I was. I ever thought to improve such an unstable status by changing job, however, my current job is the outcome from my last decision. It seemed to be my destiny to work by travel and travel. Things become easier since I adjust my resistant mindset. Now I am more comfortable to accept and enjoy such kind of jobs while taking them as adventure. Though something uncontrollable, I have full of power to decide how and where to lay down my heart.

For brushing the heavy mood, I choose a new bag for this trip. Hope to bring myself a pleasant, smooth, and abundant journey. Finished my packing, I am ready to fly away and see a new horizon in my way. After then, another special memory will be created....


Power Of Imagination

This week I did some shopping for releasing my stress. Maybe you will ask : did it work? Well, it should be. I really please myself in some way to change my styling, but still feel lost when I'm alone. Some nights anonymous emotion came across my mind and brought sorrows.
So far I couldn't listen to the love songs he ever shared. Those beat my heart badly and let me hardly breath throughtout the night.

I know very well it's not helpful to rescue a hurt soul at all, and I think you would understand how hard the job I'm trying my best to do. I need ask for help from TIME. I invite my imagination to take place of the sadness. I picture myself as an easy-going lady, with a pair of small eyes wearing laughters, and enjoy life without any burden. How nice the feeling! I may gain some power from the imagination, as a spiritual talk to myself.

The moment I low my head and keep writing my ordinary days. Sun still shining, life still going on. Got some soft music as remedy. I look at what I have instead of focusing those don't belong to me, and let go what I can't hold. Just left the past stay behind, I will fly forward.



那個道別說來瀟灑, 卻是個隱隱作疼的不捨. 不知道你能不能懂, 想用力在灰濛濛的心刷上粉紅色的感覺? 來回塗上好幾次了, 還是隱約透著一層迷霧. 思緒理得很清楚, 情感卻是沉沒在靜夜的暗潮. 這樣的疼, 還要多久? 說實在的, 自己也沒底. 近來忙碌的節奏, 勉強算是一帖療方, 可惜葯效不長, 我想...心頭上的那個缺口, 還需要多一些時間才能密合吧! 偶爾也會有綺想, 是不是能閉上眼, 讓時光像跳針的老唱盤, 略過令人窒息的這一段.

常聽到 "有捨、才有得" 吧? 面對周遭的人事物, 又能做到幾分的 "捨、得" 呢? 無奈的是面臨選擇的當下, 往往是處在不得不的情境裏. 當然啦, 你還是自己生命的主宰者, 可以決定自己的去路. 向左走? 或向右走? 一念間, 看到的風景截然不同, 情節可以有不同的發展, 至於是好? 是壞? 得由身歷其境的那人才能說得明白. 心想著: 如果回溯到過去的某一刻, 會不會有不同的選擇? 戲如人生, 令人不滿意結局的劇本可以重寫, 人生如戲, 經歷過任何一段卻是沒有機會回頭. 我想, 重要的是在這過程的經驗和領會真的成長了. 或許這一回合我輸了, 也要輸得坦然自在. 下一輪, 期許自己要能更圓熟的面對試煉.

請容我放縱這沒來由的痴, 想藉著鄭愁予的"錯誤"延伸那段美麗又失落的日子:
 我打江南走過, 那等在季節裡的容顏如蓮花的開落
 東風不來, 三月的柳絮不飛, 你的心如小小的寂寞的城, 恰若青石的街道向晚
 跫音不響,三月的春帷不揭, 你的心是小小的窗扉緊掩,
 我達達的馬蹄是美麗的錯誤, 我不是歸人, 是個過客...

佇立在候車站牌的行人道上, 我不禁想著....擦身而過的路人, 個個有著說不完的故事和難解的習題. 而我, 也不過是那些路人眼中的路人罷了. 我沒有小叮噹的任意門, 沒法來去自如, 既然時光不會暫停, 明天太陽依然升起, 我還是我, 那麼..再難捱的日子, 笑一笑, 也就過去了....


Lose And Gain

It's good for me to focus the busy days on meeting and meeting. Lately I spent less time on daydream and felt composed about the past uncomfortable experience. Maybe forgiveness is the main key to set me free from that unbalanced relationship.

I talked to my colleague about my concern and frustration on seeing the coolness from other people. Can we ask for a true heart and treat each other frankly? To have more considerable and understanding thoughts for each other.
A beautiful relationship need be attentively maitained on the premise of love, honesty, faith, trust and respectation. To question myself, 'Is that only an ideal model I pursue for? Could it be real? When will I meet a good guy to let me feel safe and loved?'
I knew quitely well the former unpleasantness was just one of examinations in my life. I should keep my faith on others and coach myself to avoid the same mistake.

Awaking in every brand new morning, I expect there is always a good connection to the next journey. Either a good or bad condition, it will be changed eventually. I might lose something in this run and get pain from those hurt things. I also gain precious experience and growth in some way. Those people I met will all become a part of my memory. Some stayed for a while but some stayed long. Some brought me joyfulness but some left me sadness. Someday when I look back on those days , I will miss them and be thankful for their ever attendance in my life.



Lately we had serial meetings with our boss for the upcoming working plans. I found he got changed and became soft in his attitude when we discussed. It mitigated our tension and stress effectively. I think it's the power of understanding. He could see how hard we had done in such a tightly schedule. Everyone are trying to do a better job.

It impressed me with the importance of words from the similar condition. The frozen atmosphere among people mostly due to less communication. We used to assume the other one's view point or expectation, and let the assumption be our heavy burden. It's really not a wise strategy to leave words unspoken and make decision or assumption without acquiring the other's opinion. We consider ourselves in the right, but ignore to ask or confirm the true need or instruction. We indeed have chance to shorten our guessing time on useless stuff. The same principle also can be applied in the family, friends and emotion areas.

Fortunately most of my coworkers get along well and support each other actively. They are good teachers and helpful friends to me. My personal view is if you treat one in a kind and considerable way, he can feel your sincerity and get understanding eventually. Then a good communication and relationship will happen and last long.


Talking To The Wisdom

I had a chance to invite my former boss to join us dinner yesterday. He retired in January. I am glad to see he looks great and enjoys a lot of programs. I think not every retired friend can arrange their time as well as he does. I felt a new energy from the wisdom.

We were talking about our pressure from heavy workloadings during dining. As usual he taught us how to take it easy and cherish what we have now. We might not agree to the others' working style, but we could try to understand why they did in the different way. Some of us have more or less experience on complaining our job, friends, family. I see the wisdom always make those in a laughter and a light mindset. I like to hear his slow living style and pleasant tempos.

The Eagles's song-take it easy' was playing during our chatting and so matched with our topic. We had a delightful evening and delicious dinner. The most valued thing for me is to learn the optimistic spirits and find simple happiness from the wisdom.


Happy Hours With My Classmates

This noon a few classmates got together and had a simple lunch. It's not easy to make a crowd gather at the working hours. Some had to take a leave from the duty, including me. There was not much change on these beauties over twenty years. The married women exchanged their parenting experience, the single women talked their colorful life, and two kids played in their own world. We enjoyed the lunch and chatted through the happy hours.

I got an observation from my classmates. They all seemed very enjoying their life even there were more or less complaints. So nice to have these optimistic friends surrounding me. I am thankful they always bring the positive power to my orinary life. The moment I feel very peaceful about the previous unpleasantness. I am filled in new energy by these old classmates.

It's really a good solution if you felt despressed sometimes or encountered certain problems, you may call those friends and let them refresh your mind. Just step out to touch people, smell flowers, and admire scenery. Never keep staying in your dark world, it won't be helpful to release your pain or worry.


Cherish What We Have

I fall in a heavy mood to see the sad news about typhoon Morakot cruelly hit the eastern and southern Taiwan on Aug 7th. It had caused landslides, floods, a hotel collapse. Lifes, families and properties were destroyed. So far, the rescure action still keep going on. It's really a huge disaster for those people. Years of efforts were suddenly gone in a second.

I am so lucky in such a safe circumstances without any destroyment by typhoon. Compared with those people, I feel thankful and grateful for having the peace. We never know when or where to lose something important to us. I would like to bless for those who suffered will recovery soon and regain their strength to face the reconstruction. It's a long road and difficult jobs actually. Wish they may get all supports and resources as their needs.

The storm event gave me a good chance to examine and understand what I have is so precious. Sometimes the sorrows or negative thoughts fly into my mind, but shouldn't stay long. Here I extract 2 lessons from my friend, Dan's post-'Not By Chance' , to help myself for learning to be more attentive to the current things.
1. Cherish your families as never before and go to great lengths to keep your promises.
2. Be thankful and grateful for everything you have and don'tworry about the things you don't have.



The first day after my farewell to the past relationship was horrible actually. However I had to pretend nothing happened as usual in the front of my family. I never mentioned the story from the beginning. Got the comforts from some friends yesterday, I would like to say my heartfelt appreciation here. Over the past months, even now, I know I am not standing alone. I will find my strength by those supports from my dear and sweet friends. Today I gave a subject about 'self-healing'.

I found the following statememt in mountain mama's post of 'conflict resolution' is likely my condition. But my event was somewhat different from that.
"i firmly believe that what makes people feel far apart from each other are all the unsaid things between them. silence is what destroys intimacy. it's so hard to know what's true when all you have are silence, your imagination and your past, to try to make sense of things."

Honestly speaking, these days I really kept finding excuses and made assumptions for another one's unusual behavior. What I did was to make them reasonable and acceptable. Waking up from the dream, I know clearly the above was all my single sining.
Looking back upon the past relationship, we did have sweet memories and passion, but my upset and unsafty also stayed for a long period due to no commitment from another one.
It's the moment to draw back my key and reopen the golden box of my happiness.

Give time, time, and let time tell the truth someday. To heal the hurt heart as the days go by.
Yes, maybe he is not the right one I wait for, but I would bless him to choose the one means most to him. As for me, I still have faith and dream. Soon I will pack my baggage again and keep going on another journey, then meet my Mr. Right....


Farewell to The Past Love

It's hard for me to end up the distant relationship, but I did last night. Before that, I ever tried several times to send my concerns and greetings to my parnter, and I didn't get his any reply. His latest message of July 31 stating his sorry ever let me believe he was back, howerver it's a fantasy indeed. I called him last night just to hear his voice. He answered he was still in dinning then suddenly hang up my call. I was shocked by that and felt disappointed. I thought even a friend shouldn't be treated in that impolite way. This event only took 21 seconds and gave me a clear picture about the one.

It's still unbelievable why I met such an unreasonable situation. What hurts most? The man had keeping silent from the unknown difficulties happened from two months ago. Unexceptionally my farewell message last night wasn't replied yet. What kind of the man is? We used to be so close but now go far away.

He ever said if we couldn't be together in this life, we would be the best friends forever. But seeing the current, there were still no chance to say that since his unchangeable silence. No way to proceed the communication. Even coming to the last moment, I still hold a mystery to cut down my blind waiting for him.

The whole story seemed like a dream contained of sweetness, waiting, expectation, sadness, desperation,... Perhaps he hardly spoke out his difficulties, but it doesn't matter for the current situation. Some friends ever advised me to give up the relationship, but I was so persistent to wait for his explaination then.

I remembered I was brave to ask for him "let's give a chance to know each other" and he said yes in March. At the end of the story, I am still brave to say farewell to my love due to his hidden attitude. From now on what I have to do is trying my best to go back to my origional track. Unavoidably our jobs will surely enforce us to meet again next March, and hope we may sit together without any embarrassment then.

Cheers to the past sweet memory we ever shared and toast to my consistence in meeting and losing love! God will bless the broken road and lead me...


Balance All Dimensions Of Life

It's a surprised holiday due to the typhoon's coming. The beginning of the day seemed a bit chaotic for me since my sleeplessness last night for an outcome of my waiting. Recently I was so sensitive and effected by those negative sayings or assumptions. To speak the truth, I was somewhat annoyed at my breakable will.

A friend just inspired me to balance the dimensions of familiy, love, career and friends. I felt upset probably because I made one of them over focused, and I saw my fear to face some reality after digging out the deeply inner part of me. At the moment, learning how to balance my life seems a new course for me.

Where to excercise the new topic? I would picture myself in the central part of the circle with those dimensions. Then I might find out which part is high ratio. The next will be the hardest job to adjust the ratio of my life or focus. Likely one's custom or nature is not easy to be changed in a short time. Anyway, there should be a start...


Get My Faith Back

I ever doubted the existence of a relationship between my partner and me due to his unclear attitude. The more chaotic condition was, the more anxious I felt. How come? I found that mainly came from my lack of confidence and faith.

To examine my personal doing way, I used to be very smart untill I fell into the unclear situation. I felt so powerless to soften or reopen the deadlock.

I coudn't remember which day I suddently got back my faith in my partner. Maybe the comment or words from the others had driven me to a trust mode. Maybe the inner side of me didn't want to give up the relationship in such a way. Maybe the fortuneteller's prediction effected me in some aspect. In the deepest part of my heart, I still believe in him. Eventually I reaffirmed my feelings and attitude toward our relationship.

Well, how to make me in an entirely safe mode without another one's comfortable saying or action? Recently I realized I did have the power to comfort and please myself. Not expect the giving from another one but only count on myself. Before expecting another one, I should learn to fulfill my happiness. Through my faith and practice, I may lead us to a better connection.



In accounting bookkeeping, 'the credit balance should be always equal to the debit balance'. Well, what about our life? As you see the bright side, you might ignore the opposite side is dark. Let's make some other examples like the following.

Give and Take.
Gain and Loss.
Like and Dislike.
Arrive and Depart.
Stay and leave.
Persist and Desist.
Rights and Duties.

It seems a bit scattered on the above. Did you notice something? Those opposite words somehow reflect a certain kind of attitude, values, mindset and option.
Now, here comes the question and reality. We have to admit those things always exist concurrently but often unbalanced or uncontrollable. Especially whenever you need to make a choice or you have no choice.

I would try to coach myself to understand the difference and conflict in many aspects, such as friendship, career, family, love relationship. To stand at the others' position and listen their inner thoughts. No matter which side we stand or choose, the one at the other side always deserve our respectation and consideration. If we could plus well communication at a proper timing, everything would be more positive and move in a better way.



'Give and Take'! Which side you used to stand at? As my friends' knowing, I might mostly choose the giving side. It doesn't mean I have no expectation about my giving. I hope the one in the 'taking side' is pleased to accept and feel comfortable about what I do. In the other aspect, I might espect some feedback as a reward of my giving.

A friend ever advised me not to expect the other's feedback if you do what you please to do. Not for the others, but for myself. You will be fulfilled in seeing the other's smlie and happiness. It's a valued point for me to learn and practice again and again. Then I won't feel lost so frequently.
For sure it's a great pleasure for me whenever I have the chance to stand at the 'taking side'. I also enjoy the concern and care from the 'giving side'.

There is a saying, 'the less expectation, the less disappointment. ' How many of us could really adopt that attitude in our life? It's not easy indeed. But I do believe that 'the more I give, the more I take', and I have already got a lots up to the present.



Lately I heard of some friend faced a extremely difficult situation in business, some is going to start his new career, some is always suffering from heavy work loadings. Either in the ongoing or the upcoming condition, everyone seems get somewhat unsure and anxoius about that.

It's hard for me to tell you how to clear out those negative emotions, since I often fell in the same mood. Fortunately I had some life advisors to pull me out of blueness and teach me how to deal with those uncomfortable and upset feelings. I used to question and remind myself if I really had done my best, I should hand over the consquence to God. As we known, the changeable is the only thing unchanged in our life journey.

Here I am going to do is sincerely blessing for all of my friends.

Have the wisdom when you need to make a choice.
Choose a way leads you where you want to go.
Get full supports and resources whenever you need.
Possess great strenth, courage and patience whenever you feel unsure.
Insist your faith and dream till the last moment.
Keep moving to a better tomorrow, a bright future, an abundent life...


周六託老同學的福去插花她公司的社團旅遊, 這樣的決定在前一晚的隨口邀約下即興成行, 大概是我前所未有的經驗. 出遊的地點是彰化的鹿港小鎮、台灣玻璃館及田尾公路花園.
一早七點多集合, 豪華遊覽巴士載著一群老老少少開心地出發, 活潑多話的領隊小兄弟, 一上車便熱絡得讓耳根子沒得歇息, 凡我族類一上車就喜歡睡覺的老人家當然無法入夢.

約莫十點半時我們抵達鹿港的天后宮, 咬人的太陽一路上陪著我們, 甩都甩不掉. 防晒的措施雖然做了, 也耐不過揮汗如雨, 一整天下來, "日光浴"的效果肯定不差! 領隊在天后宮用力的導覽解說, 我沒太在意他說些什麼, 倒是被這建築及 一旁的熱鬧陣頭給吸引著, 三太子、黑面、白面將軍等瞬間起駕了, 好像時光倒流到小時候, 好奇又害怕的探著頭看熱鬧的光景.

一路我們看著導覽地圖尋幽訪勝, 去了埔頭街看民俗古玩, 走訪九曲巷、十宜樓 、龍山寺、摸乳巷, 也沒忘了停下來品嚐道地美食.
天后宮旁廣場的小吃很多, 天氣太熱, 只要有冷氣歇腳的地方都好, 若你夠勤勞的話, 也不妨走到第一市場, 離九曲巷不遠的地方. 從蚵仔煎、蝦猴、阿振肉包、老龍師肉包、鹹蛋糕、豬血麵線、龍山肉焿、蔡澤記(專賣像水丸.水晶餃.扁食燕)、牛舌餅、阿婆麻糬、楊記肉圓及芋丸、玉珍齋糕餅名產.......瞧! 寫都寫不完, 更甭說叫我吃了. 只瞧一行若干人, 繞巡2個小時下來, 滿足了口腹, 也兩手豐收. 由於停留小鎮的時間太短, 還有很多的行程沒來得及去, 讓大夥兒有些意猶未盡的遺憾.

第二個行程是台灣玻璃館, 參觀過程中, 粗淺瞭解玻璃的產製知識, 也一面欣賞精緻的玻璃藝品, 展館的陳列及創意, 令人處處驚艷, 要一提的是, 由於閃光燈的使用度太高, 我的相機終於在這個美麗的造訪點要求停工了.
之後我們啟程到了田尾公路花園, 你可以選擇騎單車或賞花車, 延路很多庭園苗木盆栽及花卉栽培店家,是全台灣最大的花卉樹木盆栽集散區. 可惜現在不是花季, 午后時分熱浪襲來, 我跟老同學選擇悠閒的漫步, 一丁點的騎車意願都沒有. 老骨頭折騰半天了, 可就別再逞強啦...

近傍晚6點時, 一行人浩浩蕩蕩地往北台灣移動, 沿途滿載大夥兒的歌聲, 沒看到一絲的疲累, 對於這群有緣共車共遊的遊伴們, 我的心不禁升起一股由然的感動和佩服.
謝了! 這些短暫交會的朋友....